We invite you to be a member of the Dundee Township Historical Society.

The basic objective of this society is to inspire appreciation in our rich, local heritage by encouraging, understanding, and preserving the history of our township.

Dundee Township is an area where new growth and historic preservation stand side-by-side.

We seek your active involvement in the Historical Society.

Your financial support by membership dues and donations, and/or your gift of time as a docent, library aide, special events volunteer, etc. will enable us to fulfill our goals.

We now welcome you to join online!

You can submit payment virtually.

Annual memberships are through the end of December with renewal in January.

You may join at any time. 

Your membership helps support the Dundee Township Historical Society. 

A form is available at the museum or you may print the attached membership form and mail it to us along with a check made payable to the Dundee Township Historical Society.


Complete the form below and include the tax deductible membership fee. 

The Dundee Township Historical Society does not share any membership information with any entities. 


Membership Form 2023